Friday, May 29, 2009

Herbs for Oily Skin

Herbs for Oily Skin

Aloe vera has excellent healing properties. Apply aloe vera gel topically, as needed.

Burdock root, chamomile, horsetail, oat straw, and thyme nourish the skin.

Lavender is very good for oily skin. Mist your skin with lavender water several times daily.

A facial sauna using lemongrass, licorice root, and rosebuds is good for oily skin. Two or three times a week, simmer a total of 2 to 4 tablespoons of dried or fresh herbs in 2 quarts of water. When the pot is steaming, place it on top of a trivet or thick potholder on a table, and sit with your face at a comfortable distance over the steam for fifteen minutes. You can use a towel to trap the steam if you wish. After fifteen minutes, splash your face with cold water and allow your skin to air dry or pat it dry with a towel. After the sauna, you can allow the herbal water to cool and save it for use as a toning lotion to be dabbed on your face with a cot- ton ball after cleansing.

Witch hazel applied to the skin is excellent for absorbing oil.

Essential Oils For Oily Skin

Essential Oils For Oily Skin


Diet for Oily Skin

Diet for Oily Skin

Take a diet rich in proteins but restricted in sugar, fluids and salt.

Take plenty of leafy green vegetables and fresh fruits.

Have your blood brought up to par by the suitable administration of necessary vitamins, iron and similar substances.

Even a slight deficiency in vitamin B2 can cause oily skin. Nutritional yeast, wheat germ and organ meats provide both vitamin B5 and vitamin B2. Other good sources of vitamin B2 are whole grains, beans, nuts, and royal jelly. Buckwheat, black beans and whole rice are excellent to supply the body with iron and rejuvenate pate skin.

Drink plenty of quality water to keep the skin hydrated and flush out toxins.

Reduce the amount of fat in your diet. Avoid pork and fried and highly seasoned foods. Consume no animal fats, or heat-processed vegetable oils.

Do not cook with oil. Do not eat any oils that have been subjected to heat, whether in processing or cooking. If a little oil is necessary, such as in salad dressing, use cold-pressed canola or olive oil only.
Do not drink soft drinks or alcoholic beverages. Avoid sugar, chocolate, and junk food

Natural Skincare

Natural Skincare

Half an hour before taking your bath apply on your face half teaspoon each of lime and cucumber juice mixed together.

If your skin is excessively oily, mix in a few drops of eau de cologne. This not only helps keep oiliness away but also helps in refining the pores of the skin by acting as astringent, thereby preventing acne.

To prevent the problem of your makeup becoming patchy either on the forehead, chin or nose due to excessive oiliness in these areas, apply a little cucumber juice on the excessively oily parts of your face, dry thoroughly and then apply your makeup.

If your whole face turns patchy after makeup is applied on it, then apply equal parts of lime juice and witch-hazel. Dry well before putting on your makeup.

Choose an astringent that contains acetone, which is known for dissolving oil. Strong astringents will do more harm than good, stimulating an overproduction of oil.

To clear away excess oil, use a clay or mud mask. Blend together well 1 teaspoon green clay powder and 1 teaspoon raw honey. Apply the mixture to your face, avoiding the eye area. Leave it on for fifteen minutes, then rinse well with lukewarm water. Do this at least three times a week--or more.

Once or twice daily, mix equal parts of lemon juice and water together. Pat mixture on your face and allow it to dry, then rinse with warm water. Follow with a cool-water rinse.

Causes of Oily Skin

Oily Skin

Oily skin is shiny, thick and dull colored. Often a chronically oily skin has coarse pores and pimples and other embarrassing blemishes. It is prone to blackheads. In this type of skin, the oil producing sebaceous glands are overactive and produce more oil than is needed. The oil oozes and gives the skin a greasy shine. The pores are enlarged and the skin has a coarse look.

Causes of Oily Skin

* Heredity
* Diet
* Hormone levels
* Pregnancy
* Birth control pills
* Cosmetics you use
* Humidity and hot weather

Because of the hormonal shifts of adolescence, oily skin is common in teenagers, but it can occur at any age. In general, skin tends to become dryer with age. The flow of sebum or oil increases during adolescence and starts decreasing with age. During pregnancy and menopause, hormonal imbalances can also upset the oil balance and increase the activity of sebaceous glands.

Many people have skin that is oily only in certain areas and dry or normal in others, a condition known as combination skin.
Skin Care for Oily Skin
The great advantage of oily skin is that it ages at a slower rate than other skin types.

Oily skin needs special cleansing with plenty of hot water and soap to prevent the pores from being clogged. Avoid harsh products that strip your skin of oil and encourage flakiness. They can cause a reaction known as reactive seborrhoea, where the oil glands work overtime to compensate for the loss of natural oils.

Avoid skincare products that leave your skin feeling taut and dehydrated. They cause the upper layers of the skin to shrink. This restricts oil flow through the pores leading to blockages and breakouts.

To cleanse oily skin, use oil-based products as they dissolve sebum effectively. Opt for oil-free moisturizers to maintain a shine-free complexion.

Keep your skin very clean. Limit washing your face to two or three times a day. Too much washing will stimulate your skin to produce more oil.

Choose your cleanser with care. Avoid heavy cleansing creams. Avoid the use of harsh soaps or cleansers. Use a pure soap with no artificial additives. Try an antibacterial cleansing lotion or a lightly medicated soap, and use it in combination with a water rich in minerals, not tap water. Do not use cleansers or lotions that contain alcohol. After cleansing, apply a natural oil-free moisturizer to keep the skin supple.

Use hot water when washing your face. Hot water dissolves skin oil better than lukewarm or cold water.

If your skin is extremely oily, three or four daily cleansings may be in order and little or no moisturizing necessary before you are 30 years old. After that point, the skin around your eyes and mouth and on your throat may benefit from a nightly moisturizing, plus a mere touch of moisturizer in the morning.

When cleansing, massage your face well with your fingertips, using an upward and outward motion. Be careful not to rub soap into the skin; it can clog pores.

If your oily skin is scaly, you can often correct the problem by using a deep-cleaning exfoliant on alternate nights, and following the treatment with a light coating of moisturizer.

Try using a clay or mud mask. If you have sensitive skin, use white or rose-colored clays.

Use a light antiseptic night cream from time to time if you wish, and apply a clarifying mask one or two times a week.

Choose cosmetic and facial care products specifically designed for oily skin.

Before applying makeup, use an antiseptic day cream with active ingredients that diminish sebaceous secretions. Look for benzyl peroxide in the list of active ingredients.

Use a light antiseptic night cream from time to time if you wish, and apply a clarifying mask one or two times a week.

Skin Care and Different Factors

Skin Care and different factors in your daily routine

Explore the methods to keep up a skin that ever lasts for your life by different ways. For example, proper diet is giving major importance to the shine of skin. A diet for blemish-prone skin must be consistently high in protein and fresh raw fruit and vegetables. There are some regulations to observe in the diet.

Although intense exposure to the sun can produce symptoms of aging and can even predispose it to cancer, constant little exposure to sun light in your day's schedule is important to rejuvenate your skin.

The most damaging effect of the sun is that it dehydrates the skin causing it to become dry and rough and wrinkled, freckles, pigmentation and patches may also occur. An immediate reaction is expansion of blood vessels that is why skin looks flushed, red and gets tanned if stayed out in the sun for long. However sun is very good for children, as they require Vitamin D, which is abundant in sunlight for their growth and metabolism.

Skin care by natural products really suits any kind of skin and it is recommended to habituate using natural skin care products on everyday basis.

There are actually some secrets to choose the right method to care your skin. Some tips you would love to follow while you plan a day in beach. Your skin can also shine with the fragrances of Aromatherapy.

There are special tips to follow, to prevent your skin from Anti aging. Your skin in addition sometimes needs facial treatments and look out for the fabulous facial treatments. Do not forget to sense that the skin on your eyes, are also in need of special and unique care.

Skin cleansing Practices

Cleansing your skin should be part of the daily routine. As soon as you wake up early in the morning, before returning to bed, before using special treatments like facials etc., before and after your makeup cleansing is much-required factor for your skin to look younger.

Daily skin & Facial care

Daily skin & facial care makes us look more charming and beautiful. By following some easy tips, you can look younger and more beautiful without spending too much of extra time and money. Before beginning you skin care regime, consider your skin type, is it oily, normal, combination, dry, sensitive, or sun-damaged. After knowing your skin type, you can use products available in the market meant for your skin. However, healthy skin is something that is from within; eating healthy food and avoiding stress can help you the most in this. The four basic steps of skin and facial care are:


Start your skin care with cleansing. Get a cleanser that suits your skin type. Steer clear of soaps as they make your skin dry; cleansers on the other hand contain oil, surfactants and water. Cleanser helps to remove oil, dirt and makeup from your skin effectively. However, using cleanser too often can also be harmful; at times just washing your face at night is enough. In the morning, it's great to use a splash of lukewarm water to remove excess oils from your skin caused by nightly moisturizer.

Scrubs are very useful for removing the top layer of dead skin cells that make your complexion dull. A gentle scrub with tiny grains is the best for all skin types, as big grains in cheap scrubs can tear your skin and can cause rather more harm than good. You can also use a half-teaspoon of sugar for scrubbing your face. Keep rubbing it until it melts away and then wipe off your face with a warm & wet cloth. Thrash of the flour can also be used for scrubbing. You can also find some good scrubs in the market.


Moisturizer is a must for everyone, no matter which skin type you have. Even oily skin will benefit from moisturizers. Only the skin with acne should avoid it. Your skin will tell you that how much moisturizer is needed. If your skin is tight, it means that it needs moisture, but do not over moisturize your skin as it can cause clogged pores. You can go for any of the good quality moisturizers available in the market, but make sure that you read the information written on it as for which skin type it may be used. Olive oil can also be used to give your face required moisture, but it can only be used in winters.

Use Sun-Screen

The skin care you're doing can go waste if you don't have the habit of using sun-screen lotion. Yes, the UV Rays of the Sun adversely affect our skin, even causing skin cancer. It is important to make a protection shield on your skin while going out. Skin care is not only about doing cleansing, scrubbing and moisturizing, but it's also about maintaining. Apply sun-screen lotion daily on exposed parts of the body on daily basis to avoid tanning and other skin-related problems.

Some Other Skin-Care Tips

Along with your face, other parts of your body also need care. If your eyes look puffy or swollen, wash your face and cover your eyes with sliced potatoes or cucumbers for a few minutes. This is really effective in the morning. Clean you nails with white vinegar before applying nail polish for a smoother finish and make it last longer. Olive oil mixed with melted beeswax can serve as a great lip balm. Try all these tips suggested and get prepared for receiving bunch of compliments for your glowing & youthful skin.

Daily Skin Care Tips

Daily Skin Care Tips

1. Cleansing your skin is really the foundation of a healthy skin care routine. Surprisingly, most people go overboard in this area. Whether you have oily, normal or combination skin, it is important to clean your facial skin without stripping it of naturally occurring oils that are important for younger looking skin.

2. Wash at night to remove makeup and debris with a cleanser for your skin type. Cleanse by using a dime-size amount of cleanser and rinsing your skin with lukewarm water. Pat dry. In the morning, simply splash a bit of lukewarm water on your face to remove any excess oils from the night’s moisturizer. Remember: never use hot or cold water to wash your face, as either one can cause broken capillaries and make your skin appear blotchy.

3. Exfoliation is often overlooked when it comes to skin care, but it is an essential step to keep you looking young. Microdermabrasion, retinoids, and chemical peels are all great methods by which to exfoliate your skin by removing the dead skin cells on the surface of the skin. Each is also available for in-home use if you are unable to afford treatments at a spa, so try one of these at home and you’ll notice that your skin is not only clean, but also glowing. Beauty experts do not recommend toners, but others say they are the key to their facial skin routine. Stick with what makes your skin look the best for you.

4. Moisturizing your skin is a wonderful way to remain looking young and have soft skin as well. Even if you have oily facial skin, be sure to use a moisturizer, even if it’s only a little each time. Make sure to apply a moisturizer all over after you’re out of the bath or shower.

5. Apply your makeup with clean sponges each time.

6. Give yourself a facial at home once a week or so. There are several facial "recipes" out there.

7. Puffy eyes in the morning can be tamed by placing slices of potatoes or cucumbers over them for a few minutes. For some reason, the puffiness is eased.

8. Bathe only once a day to minimize the possibility of depleting your skin’s moisture. Use lukewarm water (instead of extremely hot or cold water), a soap less cleanser, and limit your bathing or showering times to under 15 minutes to keep your skin from drying out.

9. Sunscreen is a must and probably the most important step when it comes to protecting our skin from harmful environmental factors. Make certain to use a sunscreen or moisturizer containing at least 15 SPF and apply it daily to every area that is exposed to the sun.

10. Hair care is essential for good health as well. If your hair appears healthy, you look younger. Shampoo your scalp at least two or three times a day in order to avoid developing dandruff.

11. When you shampoo your scalp and hair, use your fingertips to scrub your scalp thoroughly to loosen up dirt, oils, and debris. Rinse your hair with cool water and you’ll notice it has more body as opposed to rinsing with hot water.

12. Before going to bed each night, be sure to brush your hair to remove tangles and redistribute natural oils in the hair.

13. If possible, allow your hair to air dry rather than subjecting it to blow-drying which can rob your locks of essential moisture.

14. Use a wide-toothed comb to comb out hair when it is wet to avoid breakage.

15. Regular trims will prevent split ends and give you a new, polished look.

16. Believe it or not, proper nutrition and ample amounts of rest contribute to healthy skin and hair, so make sure to get the proper amounts of vitamins, minerals and nutrients in your food or via supplements.

17. Go to bed at the same time each night and get up the same time each morning.

Daily Skin Care

Your skin is not a part of your body that you can forget about (like an appendix or a kidney), assuming that it will look after itself. It is a high-maintenance part of your body, which is sensitive to the slightest changes in your health, emotions and environment. You binge on chocolates and your face becomes a mass of pimples; you don't get a good night's sleep and dark circles appear under your eyes; you're out in the sun a lot and you get burnt or develop freckles. The list is endless. So let's take a look at skin care regimes for different kinds of skin.

Dry skin

Use a rich cream cleanser instead of soap and water. Avoid astringents, as they will further dry your skin. Instead, use a mild skin toner after cleansing your skin. Apply a good moisturizing lotion in the day, before sleeping, before applying make-up and after removing make-up.

Once a week, wash your face with the juice of a melon. You can give yourself a weekly facial by mixing a yolk of an egg with two tablespoons of milk and half a tablespoon of honey. Apply this on your face and leave it on for about fifteen minutes. Then wash with lukewarm water. If you're out in the sun a lot, milk mixed with melted butter helps soften the dry skin.

Lanolin, apple juice, peach juice, sour cream and crushed almonds are also helpful for dry skin.

Oily skin

You may not believe it, but oily skin actually has some advantages. As a result of excess lubrication, wrinkles do not form prematurely and skin is not much affected by wind and sunlight. However, oily skin is a magnet for dirt and grime and thus a good and regular cleansing regime is a must. If oily skin is not cleaned thoroughly and regularly, the dirt will clog the pores in the skin and blackheads will appear.

People with oily skin should wash their faces with medicated soap and water. The use of astringents is advised as they have a tightening and drying effect on the skin. Buttermilk or beaten egg whites also have a drying and tightening effect. Parsley juice mixed with honey and a few drops of lemon or ginger is good for an oily skin. This mixture controls the secretion of oil.

Fuller's earth (Multani mitti), oatmeal, almond paste, or lime juice or vinegar mixed with water are excellent cleansers. Steaming opens up the clogged pores and you can push out blackheads and whiteheads and prevent pimples.

Avoid rich fried foods and load up on green vegetables instead. Take two tablespoons of lecithin granules (a by-product of soyabeans) daily.

After washing your face, soak a towel in hot water and press it to your face. Repeat this process two or three times. Next wet the towel in ice-cold water and repeat the process two or three times to close enlarged pores.

Cucumber, parsley, cabbage, tomato, yoghurt and lemon are natural aids for an oily skin.

Combination skin

If you have an oily nose and forehead, but dry cheeks and chin, you will have to treat each area of your face separately depending on whether it is dry or oily.

Daily Skin Care - Just 15-20 minutes each day

Daily Skin Care (15-20 minutes each day):

1. Each day when you take your bath or shower, try to use luke warm water. Hot water dries out the skin. Try to limit your time to fifteen minutes or less in the bath or shower. Bathing should be done no more than once a day. If you bathe too frequently you will remove the natural oils from the skin causing dryness.

2. Avoid using harsh soaps which dry the skin. Recommended soaps are Dove and Basis. Deodorant soaps are often very harsh and drying. Even better than soap are soapless skin cleansers such as Cetaphil Lotion and Aquanil.

3. Limit the use of soap to areas that develop an odor such as the armpits, genital area, and feet.

4. When toweling dry, do not rub the skin. Blot or pat dry so there is still some moisture left on the skin.

5. Next apply a moisturizer to the skin. One that we recommend is Xtend-Life Age-Defense Day Cream. Concentrate on areas of your skin that become dry. Vaseline is good for severely dry skin and Lubriderm for normal skin. If you have oily skin you can skip this step.

6. All areas that are exposed to the sun, such as the face, ears, hands, and back of the neck should have a moisturizer containing sun block or a sun screen of SPF 15 or greater applied daily.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

How To Care for Dry Skin

How To Care for Dry Skin

Avoid the use of tap water when cleansing dry skin. The deposits are too drying on the skin. And never, ever use hot water. Use mineral water to freshen your face. Don't use a washcloth-a rough texture can irritate. In the morning, apply a spray of mineral water on your skin misted on with a plant sprayer. (Do not use a sprayer that had been used for spraying insecticides.) Lightly pat dry.

Dry skin needs plenty of thorough but gentle cleansing, regular stimulation with massage and generous quantities of oil and moisture. It also needs extra careful protection. Washing dry skin with soap and water not only removes grime but also the natural oils protecting the skin. A moisturizer increases the water content of the outer layers of the skin and gives it a soft, moist look.

Use nondetergent, neutral-pH products to cleanse your skin. Avoid using any commercial soap. And always touch your face gently. Double-cleanse with a cream, leaving a light, thin trace of it on the skin after the second cleansing.

Follow a bath or a shower with a mild application of baby oil. Massage your face with home-made nourishing cream every night before retiring. Be generous with the cream in the areas surrounding the eyes where tiny lines and crows feet are born.

Avoid coming in contact with highly alkaline soaps and detergents like washing sodas and powders which contain highly alkaline and drying ingredients.

Moistening with water, then applying a thin film of air-excluding moisturizer, restores the suppleness of the dry skin.

Morning Skin Cleanser/Rejuvenator

Every morning 15 minutes before taking your bath

1 egg yolk
1 teaspoon orange juice
1 teaspoon olive oil and
few drops of rose water
few drops of lime juice

Mix the above ingredients together and apply on your skin.

Beauty Mask for Dry Skin

1 egg
1 teaspoon of honey,
1/2 teaspoon of olive oil and
few drops of rose water

Mix the ingredients thoroughly and use as a mask

Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin

Diet Recommendations for Dry Skin

  • Eat a balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits, grains, seeds, and nuts. Eat quality protein from vegetable sources. Increase your intake of raw foods.

  • Eat foods such as garlic, onions, eggs, and asparagus that are high in sulfur, which helps to keep the skin smooth and youthful.

  • Consume plenty of yellow and orange vegetables. These are high in beta-carotene, an antioxidant. Carrots are especially good.

  • Unrefined, cold-pressed flax seed oil used daily on salads and baked potatoes, or mixed into any dishes which do not require heating to high temperatures will make dry skin moist and supple. Flax seed oil contains the essential fatty acids omega-3 alpha linolenic acid and omega-6 linoleic acid. These are converted in the body into hormone, like substances called Prostaglandins, which support skin health.

  • Cantaloupes, carrots and apricots are heating foods for dry skin because they are rich in the vitamins A and C, both important for a supple, smooth skin. Eat them whole or take as fresh juices. Eat foods rich in pantothenic acid (vitamin B5), such as quark, raw. milk cheese, natural plain yogurt, kefir, leafy green vegetables, nutritional yeast and wheat germ. Pantothenic acid is need for the synthesis of fats and oils used by the skin.

  • Drink at least 2 quarts of quality water every day to keep the skin well hydrated.

  • Avoid fried foods, animal fats, and heat-processed vegetable oils. Use cold- pressed oils only. Heating oils leads to the production of free radicals, which have a destructive effect on the skin.

  • Do not drink soft drinks or eat sugar, chocolate, potato chips, or other junk foods.

  • Avoid alcohol and caffeine. These substances have a diuretic effect, causing the body and skin cells to lose fluids and essential minerals.

Dry skin Care

1. Moisturize the right way …

Dry skin is usually sensitive and, since winter tends to worsen the condition, it requires thorough care. The best approach to managing dry skin is to avoid using commercial creams and lotions that contain mineral oils and other petroleum products.

Creams and other skin-care products that are based on natural hypoallergenic ingredients are the best.

Every morning after showering, pat your entire body with virgin coconut oil, cocoa butter, or shea butter. They contain naturally occurring nourishing ingredients, such as essential oils, skin-friendly Vitamins A, C, D and E, and protein.Natural creams and lotions are extremely beneficial for dry skin - they heal, deeply moisturize, and protect skin from aging.

2. Avoid tap water …

If your face skin is dry, try not to wash it with tap water since it often contains chlorine, fluoride, and other undesirable chemicals. Instead, use cold mineral water or ice made with it, or, better, clean your face with an alcohol-free cleaning lotion, toner, or cosmetic milk, made of natural ingredients.

They gently refresh dry skin without causing irritation, while respecting its balance of moisture. Toners and milks effectively remove daily impurities and makeup, purify and refine pores, and leave dry skin feeling clean, soft, and hydrated.

Lotions for Skin Care

Lotions for Skin Care

A number of breakthrough lotions formulas are being released in the market. There are different variants of bath lotion for dry skin, oily skin, and normal skin. There is also what's is called milk bath skin lotion That every one can use to maximize that nourishing effect. Choosing the right lotion for your skin is essential to ensure that perfect glow. Just know your skin type and match it with the lotion you are to buy. You can never go wrong with that.

The Different Types of Lotions Available for the Skin

Bath lotion

Bath lotions are the ones that are supposed to use right after you took a shower. This is the type of lotion you need to apply if you stayed in the tub too long that wrinkles are showing in your fingers and toes. These lotions replace the essential oils that are normally washed off every time you take a bath. Plus, it also helps in maintaining the skin's moisture. This is exactly how a bath lotion for dry skin works.

Milk Bath

Milk baths are formulas that are supposed to be added to your regular tub of water during baths. You are supposed to soak in it for a while so that your skin absorbs the goodness that milk can bring. Milk bath is made popular by Cleopatra, the Egyptian princess who became famous for her beautiful skin.

Body Lotion

Body lotions are ones you are supposed to put all over your body, for that instant moisturized effect. Most body lotions come in different scents and colors to fit your mood. It may also come with sunscreen and ultraviolet rays protection.

Baby Lotion

Baby lotions are tested inside dermatological laboratories and are deemed to be suitable for delicate skin such as the baby's. This type of lotion is usually organic and does not contain harsh chemicals and fragrances that could irritate sensitive skin.

Hand lotion

Because the hand is the body part the usually moves and does all the work, it is very prone to dryness and dehydration. Hand lotions provide instant relief for the hands because the skin absorbs this type of lotion easily. This is a very basic lotion skin care regimen that your body requires.